Online Vocal Coaching on Skype or Zoom

            Though I’d love to see and hear you in my studio, geography doesn’t always allow for that. I’ve given Skype or Zoom singing lessons to singers from Alaska to Argentina, and since the pandemic set and afterward all of my lessons have been online. I've been happy to see how effective and fun online singing lessons can be, and I really enjoy working with singers all over the world. We work on any or all of the areas outlined on my main teaching page: vocal technique, strength and range-building, vocal trouble-shooting, polishing, vocal style, harmonizing, performance, and much more.          

            Some singers use online lessons like many of my in-person students, for systematic voice training. More information on what happens at the first lesson is here. Some singers contact me with a specific problem and want to do just one or a handful of troubleshooting lessons—that's fine with me, just let me know when we're scheduling a session.

"I take Skype voice lessons from Susan. I originally called her with a very specific vocal problem. I was so frustrated, and had tried everything one could imagine. Her coaching has been an answer to prayer. I can hear my voice opening up, and I'm a much better song leader at church. Susan is a gifted teacher: after the first 5 minutes of each Skype lesson, I'm so focused on what I'm learning, I forget I'm in a different city!"  Edward A.

            One issue with online voice lessons is accompaniment, since on Skype, Zoom, and all online platforms if I play piano while you sing there can be a lag. If you sing a cappella or accompany yourself (either with a backing track or an instrument) there’s no problem. For other singers I record an exercise or accompaniment during your lesson and then email an mp3 of it to you after our session. For harmony lessons I can send you vocal tracks for you to harmonize with on your end. I often record instructional tracks during lessons that I send to you later as well.
           Skype is free to download and use with both PCs and Macs. For Zoom I have a personal Zoom meeting place, I'll send you the link once you've booked a lesson. I’ve had students who set up USB mics for Skype or Zoom lessons, but a built-in mic on your computer is fine and in some ways better since the latter won’t block my view of your mouth. 

         If you want to set up a Skype or Zoom lesson, please contact me first to check my availability and to ask any questions you may have. Then we can schedule a time that works for both of us, and you can purchase a regular voice lesson with me sometime before the lesson. Scroll down this page to purchase a lesson.

"I'm lucky to have fallen into Susan's hands. In addition to being a vocal health expert, Susan explains technique in a way that works for me, and applies that to my own particular style. I can tell the difference she has made in my voice!  Phoebe Elliot 

©2024 Zanna Discs/Susan Anders