Frequently Asked Questions About Singing Lessons with Susan Anders

How long will it take for me to improve?
Most singers see improvement within the first week of taking lessons. The rate of improvement varies from singer to singer, depending on what you're working on vocally, your previous experience, how much you practice outside of class, etc. Once I've heard you I can give you a more specific assessment.

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I'm terrified of singing in front of anyone— can lessons help me?
Absolutely. It's scary at first for many singers to sing in front of anyone who is evaluating them, but very quickly most singers realize that I'm not here to harshly criticize you. During lessons we're working on your voice together, as a team. Most singers relax about singing for me rapidly. Then as you learn more about your voice and develop better technique, your confidence increases, easing your stage fright. I've experienced stage fright, too, and I've learned many tricks and methods that can help you.

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Do I need to come every week for lessons?
No— though many of my students do come weekly, some come bi-weekly, and some come in when they're in town and/or feel the need for a lesson. I give scheduling preference to the every week students but I"m happy to see you whenever you want to come in.

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On what days do you teach?
I teach Wednesday and Thursdays daytime and early evenings, and Saturday days. When you contact me I can give you a better idea of what’s open on those days. I occasionally teach on other days, too, but not on a regular basis.

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Do you record your lessons?
Yes—I burn a CD of each lesson for you, and I provide the blank CDs for you as well.

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What is your cancellation policy?
If you need to cancel a scheduled lesson please give me at least 24 hours notice. If you wake up the morning of a lesson and you're sick, it's fine to cancel with shorter notice, but if you sleep through class (yes, it has happened more than once) I'll charge you for the missed lesson.

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Do you teach kids?
Sorry, I don't work with singers under age twelve unless they are unusually gifted and mature.

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Do you give online singing lessons?
Yes, I teach many lessons on Skype and Zoom and work with singers all over the world. For more information please go to this page .

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