Susan's Room

Throughout the 90s my husband Tom Manche and I toured and recorded with our band Susan's Room. Tom and I met the summer after I moved to Los Angeles, right before I was about to start recording my first CD, Susan's Room. Tom co-produced the CD with Casey Dolan and we formed the band. After the second CD, Lion in the Living Room, we got married. Some time after that I found myself in both a loud electric mood and a quiet acoustic mood, so at the same time we recorded and released the third and fourth CDs, Thicker and Thinner. Our final CD, Room #5, came out in 2001, a year before we moved to Nashville. For most of the CDs and shows our bandmates Albe Bonacci and Ritt Henn were on drums and bass.

Here's the link to the <strong>Susan's Room site</strong>.

Photo: Tom Alleman                                Photo: Tom Alleman                                                            Photo: Mando Gonzales

Susan's Room CDs

Susan's Room: Susan's Room Debut Album (1993)
  • Susan's Room: Susan's Room Debut Album (1993)

Susan's Room: Susan's Room Debut Album (1993)

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