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Singulair warnings 

Singulair has long been the recommended allergy med of choice for singers since it doesn't dry the vocal cords, unlike many other allergy meds. But recent findings make me much more cautious about recommending it: it now has a 'black box' warning that it can cause depression, sleep issues, and suicide. If allergies are getting in the way of your singing I'd explore alternative remedies first.

2019 Update for Vocal Recovery Warmup Ebook 

I've learned a few new vocal healing methods since The Vocal Recovery Warmup was released, so I just updated the ebook. The 2019 updated ebook will download automatically if you purchase the method. If you purchased the warmup via this site sometime in the past contact me and I'll send you the updated ebook for free.

New Blog Post: My Visit to a Physical Therapist for Singers 

It's touted as a sometimes miraculous method for helping singers. I've never been to one and I wasn't experiencing vocal problems, but I wanted to find out what happens at a session and if it made a difference in my singing. Here's my report.


Singers: What To Do if You Have No Voice (Laryngitis) 

Tis' the season for chest colds and laryngitis, I went through a bout of this before the holidays. I just posted a new video about this topic, it's on Youtube and the video sInging tips page of this site.

©2024 Zanna Discs/Susan Anders